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Revised Fenton

The Holy Bible in Modern English. Revised Edition.
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Ferrar Fentons 'Holy Bible in Modern English. All spelling, punctuation and formatting maintained through-out. Verse ordering follows the King James version for clarity and necessary organization of the verses.

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RF COL 2:1 Sundry Exhortations and Warnings.
For I wish you to know how great a struggle I have for you, and those in Laodicea, and whoever have not a seen my bodily presence;
RF COL 2:2 so that their hearts may be consoled, united in love and all the wealth of the full conviction of reason, in comprehending the secret of God, in Christ,
RF COL 2:3 in Whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and secret knowledge.
RF COL 2:4 I say this, indeed, so that no one may delude you by plausibility.
RF COL 2:5 For if I am absent by the body, yet with the spirit I am with you, rejoicing and seeing your discipline and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ.
RF COL 2:6 Now, as you have received the Lord Jesus Christ, walk with Him,
RF COL 2:7 rooted and founded upon Him; and secured in the faith which you were taught, with thankfulness increasing it.
RF COL 2:8 Look out, for fear any one should mislead you by means of the philosophy of the silly trifling of human tradition; following the guideposts of the world, and not in accordance with Christ.—
RF COL 2:9 Because in Him resides bodily every perfection of the Divinity.
RF COL 2:10 And you are perfected in Him, Who is the Head of every power and authority.
RF COL 2:11 To Whom also you were circumcised by an unmechanical circumcision, by stripping off the animal body, in the Christian circumcision,
RF COL 2:12 when you were buried with Him in the baptism; by which also you were raised together, through the faith in the Divine energy which raised Him from among the dead.
RF COL 2:13 The Believer's Emancipation from Legalism.
And you, having been dead in transgressions and the uncircumcision of your sensuality, He restored to life together with Himself, having forgiven us all those transgressions;
RF COL 2:14 having erased the record, with the decrees which were against us, and taking it away, He nailed it to the cross.
RF COL 2:15 Having stripped the powers and authorities, He exposed them publicly, leading them in triumph with Himself.
RF COL 2:16 Therefore let none condemn you as to food, and as to drink, nor in respect of a festival, or new moon, or Sabbaths:
RF COL 2:17 which were a forecast of the future; but the substance belongs to Christ.
RF COL 2:18 Nor let any designedly trick your judgment into reverence and worship of the angels; resting upon what he sees, made vainly proud by his fleshly mind;
RF COL 2:19 and not ruled by the Head, from which all the body, through its joints and sinews arranged and invigorated, grows up with the Divine growth.
RF COL 2:20 If with Christ you died from the rules of the Hebrew ritual, why, as though living under a ritual, are you being prescribed to
RF COL 2:21 "Handle not, taste not, touch not,"
RF COL 2:22 what absolutely perishes in the use—in conformity with human commands and teaching?
RF COL 2:23 In which there is certainly a show of prudence in the repression of appetite, and meekness, and disregard of the body, yielding it no consideration by sensual gratification.


AKJV ROM 8:32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

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