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Revised Fenton

The Holy Bible in Modern English. Revised Edition.
God's word is swift and powerful.

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Ferrar Fentons 'Holy Bible in Modern English. All spelling, punctuation and formatting maintained through-out. Verse ordering follows the King James version for clarity and necessary organization of the verses.

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RF JDG 21:1 Then all Israel swore in Mitzphah saying, "No man among us shall give his daughter as a wife to Benjamin."
RF JDG 21:2 Afterwards all the people came to Bethel, and sat there before the EVER-LIVING until the evening, and lifted up their voice and wept a great weeping,
RF JDG 21:3 and asked "Why, EVER-LIVING GOD of Israel, has this come to Israel, to destroy to-day one of the tribes of Israel?"
RF JDG 21:4 But when next day came the people got up and built an altar, and offered a burnt offering and peace offerings.
RF JDG 21:5 Then the children of Israel asked, "Who has not come up to the Assembly of all the tribes of Israel before the EVER-LIVING, for a great oath has been sworn that whoever came not up to the EVER-LIVING at Mitzphah shall be put to death."
RF JDG 21:6 The Children of Israel also grieved for Benjamin their brother, and said, "To-day a tribe has been blotted from Israel.
RF JDG 21:7 What shall we do for them to provide them wives, since we have sworn not to give them a supply of wives?"
RF JDG 21:8 So they asked, "Is there a single tribe of Israel which has not come up to the EVER-LIVING at Mitzphah?" and found that no man had come to the camp from Jabesh-Gilad, to the Assembly.
RF JDG 21:9 They therefore reviewed the army, and did not find there a Jabeshite from Jabesh-Gilad.
RF JDG 21:10 The Parliament consequently sent there twelve thousand chosen men, and commanded them saying, "Go and assail the Jabeshites of Jabesh-Gilad with the sword, both men and boys.
RF JDG 21:11 But act in this way;—You shall destroy every male and every female who has had connection with a man."
RF JDG 21:12 But they found of the population of Jabesh four hundred girls, maidens, who had not known man by connection with a male, and they brought them to the camp at Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan.
RF JDG 21:13 Then all the Parliament sent and addressed the Benjaminites who were on the cliff of Rimon, and proclaimed peace with them.
RF JDG 21:14 So the Benjaminites returned, and they gave them the women who came from Jabesh-Gilad, but they were not found sufficient.
RF JDG 21:15 The people therefore grieved for Benjamin, because the EVER-LIVING had made a breach in the tribes of Israel.
RF JDG 21:16 The Lords of the Parliament also said, "What shall we do to supply wives, for we have destroyed the women of Benjamin?"
RF JDG 21:17 So they said "Let Benjamin seize upon the unwilling rather than a tribe should be blotted from Israel,
RF JDG 21:18 for we are not able to give them wives from our daughters, because the Children of Israel have sworn, imposing a curse on whoever gives a wife to Benjamin."
RF JDG 21:19 They then made a feast of several days to the EVER-LIVING in Shiloh, which is at the north of Bethel towards the sun-rise, on the highway leading up from Bethel to Shekem, and near to Libnah,
RF JDG 21:20 and they also instructed the Benjaminites, saying;—"
RF JDG 21:21 Go and hide yourselves in the vineyards and watch, and when you see the girls come out from Shiloh to dance in the dances, then come out from the vineyards, and each of you catch a wife for himself from the girls of Shiloh, and take them to the country of Benjamin.
RF JDG 21:22 And if their fathers should come, or their brothers, to complain to us, we will command them to be lenient with you for taking each one his wife by force, because we cannot give to you as at ordinary times."
RF JDG 21:23 The Benjaminites accordingly did so, and carried off wives to the number of those deficient, who stole, and went off, and returned to their estates, where they rebuilt their villages and settled in them.
RF JDG 21:24 The Israelites also marched from there at the same time to their tribes and clans, so everyone came from there to his home.
In those days there was no king in Israel; Every man did what was right in his own eyes.' 1
These two beautiful epics, regarded as narrative poems, were probably the production of Isaiah himself, founded upon traditions of the events, or from historical records long since lost; and were intended to show his corrupted and party-riven countrymen the horrors and crimes produced by disregard to religion and political unity. I especially conclude so from the insistence upon the doctrine of a Monarchy being the best security for social laws and safeguard of individual life. The poet has made no attempt to fix any definite dates to them, and I consequently do not attempt it.


AKJV ROM 8:32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

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