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Revised Fenton

The Holy Bible in Modern English. Revised Edition.
God's word is swift and powerful.

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Ferrar Fentons 'Holy Bible in Modern English. All spelling, punctuation and formatting maintained through-out. Verse ordering follows the King James version for clarity and necessary organization of the verses.

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RF NAH 3:1 Ninevah's Crimes Described.
Woe to the whole City of Murders!
Full of rapine and lies,
And that never would ease from her prey,
RF NAH 3:2 Or the noise of the whip and the roaring of wheels,
The prancing of horses, the chariots' rush,
RF NAH 3:3 And the cavalry's charge
With the bright sword and the glittering spear!
And many were slain, and the dead were piled up,
So that there was no end to the slain.
They stumble and fell on the dead!
RF NAH 3:4 Because of her whorings,—The beautiful Whore!—
The fair lady of witchcrafts,—
Who traded in Nations by whoredom,
And Tribes by her charms!—
RF NAH 3:5 "See! now," says THE GREAT LORD OF HOSTS,
"I will turn up your skirts to your face,
And the Nations shall look on your shame,
Kingdoms see your disgrace!—
RF NAH 3:6 I will fling on you filth the most vile,
And will take you about as a show!
RF NAH 3:7 All who see you shall fly and exclaim,—
'Now is Ninevah ruined;'—
But who will be grieved?—
None will try to be mourning for you."
RF NAH 3:8 Were you fairer than was Amon's Na?
Who dwelt by the Brooks,
With the river around?
Whose wealth was the River,—
Her rampart the Streams?
RF NAH 3:9 Kush and Egypt endowed her with wealth,
Phut and the Lubim became her allies;—
RF NAH 3:10 Yet she was transported, and went as a slave,
And her children were dashed at the top of her streets!
And her Nobles were played for with dice,
RF NAH 3:11 And her Princes were shackled in chains!
Go! hide yourself! you shall be mad,—
You also seek caves from your foes!
RF NAH 3:12 All your Forts are as fig trees full ripe,
If shaken, they fall to devouring mouths!
RF NAH 3:13 The Men in your midst shall be women!
Your Gates are set wide for your foes!
With fire the bars of your land are consumed!—
RF NAH 3:14 But draw water! Prepare for the siege,
To strengthen the ramparts bring clay,—
Seize clay, and press in the brick kiln!
RF NAH 3:15 Yet fire shall devour,—the sword will cut off,—
It shall eat you like grubs,
It will load you like grubs, it will load you like locusts!
RF NAH 3:16 Your merchants were more than the stars of the sky;—
But like cankerworms spread out—and fly!—
RF NAH 3:17 Your Commanders are locusts,—your Generals are flies,—
Who in cold days will encamp by a hedge.—
But who fly on the outbreak of sun,
And the spot never knows them again!
RF NAH 3:18 King of Ashur! Your Princes have slept
Your People have fled to the Hills,
And with none to collect!
RF NAH 3:19 There cannot be cure for your wound!
For your terrible gash!
All who hear the report will clap hands over you,—
For to whom passed you not, with perpetual wrongs?
The Period of Nahum was about 713 B.C.


AKJV ROM 8:32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

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